Kata Kunci:
short story, the main character, an anxiety reactionAbstrak
A short story as a literary work is usually written as a reflection of social phenomena that arise in a society at a particular time. The social phenomena also can be said as the form of protest against a certain condition that is felt by someone or any other people. As an individual protest, it can be a form of a person's psychological reactions due to environmental pressures around them. Psychiatric reactions can be classified as emotional reactions, cognitive reactions, and physiological reactions. This qualitative research wants to see, observe and describe a person's anxiety reaction, (in this case, the main character of a short story), based on the three anxiety reactions above. In describing the three main character's psychiatric reactions, the author uses a descriptive-analytical method to describe the patterns of the anxiety reactions. The source of data of this research is the short story titled Telur Ceplok written by Ginanjar Teguh Iman. The short story is published on the online site at The results showed that the main character's anxiety reactions, such as emotional reactions, cognitive reactions, and physiological reactions can actually be felt by anyone, even by every human being. The problem is how they can overcome the anxiety well. If not, it can be a mental burden that haunts a person's life. It can disturb the thoughts and feelings as experienced by the main character in the short story.
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