
  • Herman RN FKIP Unsyiah
  • nfn Nurasiah FKIP Unsyiah

Kata Kunci:

neurajah, antidote, aceh mantra, mystic


This study is an examination of neurajah as oral literature in Aceh. Specifically, this study reviews the characteristics of the neurajah used in treatment activities or better known as the antidote. This study is important because in the Aceh community there are still some people who bring themselves and their families to a handler ora physician, even though they also seek treatment at a hospital or other health center. The belief in treating a physician or a handler has not faded too much in Aceh so that the presence of prayers that are considered to have supernatural powers still circulates, although the distribution is not as extensive as in the past. The neurajah examined here is an oral literature that lives and develops in Acehnese society which is considered to have supernatural powers to cure various diseases. Thus, this study tries to answer the mystical and logical phenomena contained in the antidote's neurajah. The data that are sampled from the study are text the neurajah taken randomly from various sources. The method used is descriptive-qualitative. Data analysis uses hermeuneutic interpretation techniques.

Biografi Penulis

Herman RN, FKIP Unsyiah

Dosen Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Syiah Kuala

nfn Nurasiah, FKIP Unsyiah

Dosen Pendidikan Sejarah FKIP Universitas Syiah Kuala.


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