Arketipe dan Nasionalisme dalam The Silmarillion
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Fantasy, archetype, nationalism, J. R. R. Tolkien, The SilmarillionAbstrak
This article shows the relationship of fantasy fiction, archetype andnasionalism values in one of fantasy fiction, Tolkien’s The Silmarillion. Fantasy fiction with the stereotype of escapism has been considered as a kind of fiction which gives no more than pleasure. As the result it is less appreciated. This article is written in attempt to give more appreciations to fantasy fiction.
Analysis to show the relationship of fantasy fiction, archetype and
nationalism values is done by applying archetipal approach and Frye’s concept of mythos. This analysis is aimed at determining the position of the story in Frye’s mythos taxonomy and its values. The values then, is compared with values found in English nationalistic discourse.
The result of this analysis indicates that the story of The Silmarillion can be classified as tragedy mythos. However, tragedy in the Silmarillion is shown differently from the characteristics of this mythos suggested by Frye. Tragedy of The Silmarillion is collective in its nature. The uniqueness of tragedy in The Silmarillion is read as representation of fellowship spirit value in English nationalistic discourse. The Silmarillion also shows wisdom and historical
continuity values which parallel with values found English nationalistic discourse. From these values I argue the Silmarillion shows that countryside life with its togetherness, wisdom and calm is an ideal life for English people.
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