
  • Ibrahim Sembiring Balai Bahasa Aceh


The Tamiang community as part of Malay culture, always presents Pantun (rhymes) at their traditional ceremonies. One of them is the ceremony of marriage tradition. In this tradition, the pantun is used by the groom represented by telangke (intermediaries of the groom) to convey their intentions and purposes to come to the bride's house which is represented by tande (intermediaries of the bride). Then those intermediaries of both sides engaged in dialogues with pantun (rhymes). The procession is completed when the intermediaries of bride’s side allows the groom’s to enter the house. This study aims to reveal the contents of pantun in the marriage community. The method used used in this studi ia a descriptive qualitative method.The approach used is an objective approach because this research focuses on literary texts. The Pantun analyzed include matters relating to custom, religion, advice, and humorously but presenting many meanings.

Biografi Penulis

Ibrahim Sembiring, Balai Bahasa Aceh

Peneliti Pertama Balai Bahasa Aceh


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