PENGARUH DAN PEMENGARUH BUNYI (Tinjauan Fonetik pada Kosa Kata Bahasa Indonesia)
Many speakers of Indonesian are not aware of phonetic influences and influencers in
pronouncing Indonesian vocabulary.Therefore, speaker used to pronounce other sounds
to the words he expected to. This descriptive qualitative study aimed to explore the
influencer and influenced sounds found at certain Indonesian vocabulary
pronunciations. By using record and transcription technique, the research found that
sounds affected by Indonesian vocabulary pronunciation are occurred almost in all
places of articulation such as (a) the progressive assimilation [ai], [au] regressive
assimilation / ŋ /, / ñ /, / š / (b ) labial [j], [p], [u], retroflextioni [k], palatal [p],
velarization [m], glotal [o], [a], [k], and (c) aspiration [b] . [d], [h], [g], the release
consists of; loose sharp or fully marked off by [...], off the nasal characterized by [... N],
off the side marked with the [...1], affricative sound [ t] is pronounced [ts] etc. The
articulation of the sound effects accompanying the occurrence labialization,
retroflextion, falatalization, velarization, glotalization, and the effect of noise due to the
distribution of aspiration, release, (off sharp or full off, remove nasal, off side,
affricative that occurred full of hormogane and part due voiced to the position of the
vocal cords as defenders, namely " voiceless" between consonant sounds [p] and [b], [t]
and [d], [c] and [ j], and [k] and [g]. so, apart from the use of the vocal cords, there is
no any between the consonant pair.